by Abby Ellinghausen
Last Saturday, Dec. 8, was the annual league night at the Boy’s JV and Varsity Basketball games for the Mooresville Boys Junior Basketball League. Players and cheerleaders grades one through eight attended along with their coaches.
The boys and cheerleaders from the league brought in over 400 cans of food to donate to the Churches in Mission for free admission to the games.
The gym looked like a sea of Mooresville gold with all of the MBJBL players and cheerleaders in gold shirts as well as the MHS Varsity and JV teams. As the Varsity ran through a tunnel of the kids before the game, it was evident by the smiles on everyone’s face that this was a special event for all.
“It was great seeing all of the little kids smiles and seeing how big their eyes got,” sophomore Lane Weaver said.
Freshman KC Earls remembered looking up to the Varsity players when he was part of the tunnel years ago.
“I looked to them as role models and now I think it’s really great that this group was looking up to me and the others on the team. It made me feel so proud and honored to represent Mooresville basketball,” Earls said.
After half time all of the boys were led in a big dance by the junior cheerleaders followed by “the wave.” With the game being close towards the end, they were on their feet yelling and cheering almost the whole time.
According to Andy Ellinghausen, president of the MBJBL, they are very pleased with the opportunity to connect the youth of our community with our school programs.
“Our kids were met by the 8th grade team collecting our donations, and then by our JV and Varsity teams on the court. It was a message to our kids that hard work and character can result in a leadership role in their community. It was a pretty fun night out, too!” Ellinghausen said.