Friday, January 25, 2013

New Principal, New Teacher, New Position, OH MY!

by Cassidy Kelley

   After nine years of being the associate principal at MHS, Mr. Tim VanWanzeele has taken over for the school’s second semester as the interim principal.
   Previously the associate principal, Mr. Van has taken over Mr. Chuck Muston’s job until the end of this school year. He assumes all the responsibilities of his earlier position but deals less with discipline. That commission is now mainly Mr. Adam Allen’s, who also handles drug testing, supervision, attendance and various other responsibilities assigned by Mr. Van.

    Mr. Allen, in the first semester of this year, taught freshman history. He was chosen for the job as an assistant after going through an interview process with the other administrators
   Mr. Allen is currently in his last semester of earning his administrator’s license, which he will receive in May. He still has three credits left to earn and has to take the ISLLC, the principal licensure test.
   The new history teacher, Mr. Adam McMinkle, has taken over for Mr. Allen for the rest of the semester. After graduating from IUPUI in 2007, MHS is the first school he has officially taught in. Before coming to MHS he worked for Job Corps as a high school diploma instructor in the adult education program.
   “I’ve always enjoyed history. I knew by about the time I was a junior in high school that I wanted to be a teacher,” McMinkle said.
   So far in his experience, McMinkle has been having a good experience at MHS and has good reviews about the student population.
 “I hope to be teaching for the next twenty years,” McMinkle said.
   For the past two years Mrs. Jennifer Perkins has been an administrator at MHS, but due to the switching, she is now the interim associate principal, which happened to be Van’s previous position. She has a greater accountability to be able to communicate with the central office staff. Though she is handling the new changes well, some things do still feel a bit odd.
   “I keep expecting Mr. Muston to walk into the office,” Perkins said. “I know that he has trained all of us well. I don’t want to let him down. I want MHS to be the best it can regardless of his absence.”