Friday, February 28, 2014


Thursday, February 20, for most MHS students was a normal school day, but for a select group of students it was the start of an unforgettable experience.
Fourteen members of Junior State of America attended the Texas and Mid-Atlantic Winter Congress in Washington D.C. 
 Their day had an early start with the departure from the high school at 4:15 a.m. and arrival to the airport around 4:30-4:45 a.m. Once the group made it through security they sat in a large group playing Cards Against Humanity waiting to board their 6:40 a.m. flight.
“The flight this year was better [than the 14 hour bus ride last year] because we weren’t as exhausted as the previous year. We were more prepared for the Gilly Death March. It was also nice to know exactly what time we would arrive and could plan accordingly, plus flying is fun,” junior Blake Ross said.
Once in D.C. it was go, go, go. They took the metro to the hotel they’d be staying at dropped of their luggage and suitcases. The members then travelled to Pentagon City Mall to eat in the food court and from there the Gilly Death March began.
The group set a record in mileage in one day for Ms. Gilly, walking around 22 miles in 12 consecutive hours. They started at Arlington Cemetery and working their way through DC seeing as many sights that could be seen.
On the first day the students walked through Arlington Cemetery seeing the eternal flame, The Arlington House, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the changing of the guard.  From Arlington they made their way across the bridge to the WWII memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial.

"My favorite monument was the FDR Monument because it was really big and it told the story of his presidency," senior Molly Tieman said.

From there they went for lunch at the Ronald Reagan Mall and made their way back to the hotel to prepare for the night tour.
“[It was] astounding to get to look at American history in person and see the iconic images we only see in pictures usually. The best part [of the trip] was the Gilly tour,” senior Cody Rusher
On the night tour they saw Iwo Jima, the Vietnam War Memorial, and the historic Lincoln Memorial.
“[My favorite memory from the trip] was the night tour. It was really neat to see everything without the crowds and all the lights at night,” junior Danielle Quinlin said.
The second day was another tour day for the morning and afternoon half, although they didn’t walk as many miles, the sights seen that day made up for it. The students traveled with Ms. Joyce Gilly and Miss Karen Cochran to inner DC to see some of the buildings.
The second day of touring allowed the students to enter the Supreme Courthouse, the National Archives where one of the copies of the Declaration of Independence is held, and the Library of Congress. They also took a tour of the U.S. Capitol Building and then made their way to the Smithsonian’s. Some students went to the Holocaust Museum while others went to the Air and Space Museum or the National Museum of American History.
After a day of touring the students headed back to the hotel to prepare to attend the JSA Winter Congress opening ceremonies. The student-run ceremony had several speakers informing the students of the activities and scheduled events for the weekend, then the key note speaker for the evening went and spoke.
Once opening ceremonies were over the students went upstairs and relaxed as a group. Some sat in the hallway as a group and enjoyed conversation while others went to the red, white and blue themed dance was held.
"The dance was full of people in American gear, it was very patriotic,” senior Jesse Cordray said.
The next morning started the committee hearings. The students were divided into either the House or the Senate to debate on bills written by the students. There were over 111 bills total that were discussed that weekend. With topics ranging from labelling genetically modified foods to censoring male nipples on television.
"My favorite bill we discussed was censoring of male nipples. I am glad it failed because I never wear a shirt," Cordray said.
The students followed the traditional debate procedure and parliamentary motions during the two-day committee hearings. There were pro and con speeches that lasted six minutes and then subsequent speeches lasted three minutes, closing speeches were three minutes as well.
“I really enjoyed the debates, and hearing what peoples’ opinions on everything were. but my favorite bill was the one on lifting the ban on gay men giving blood. I thought it what the pro debaters had said was interesting and [I] fully agree with the bill to lift the ban,” freshman Renee Majeski said.
For some students this was their first Winter Congress experience, and others it was their last.
"My first Winter Congress, [as well as] my last, was an amazing experience. The people in my Senate literally knew every bill that came up; I learned so much. It's really a must for anyone interested in JSA. Altogether it was an eye-opening experience," senior Morgan Sussman said.
After the committee meetings were over the group skipped the closing ceremonies to go to the mall for a couple hours to relax before the flight home.
“[My last Winter Congress] was bittersweet. I love going to DC and touring then participating in the conference but I will miss the experience greatly. This trip was so much fun and our chapter became closer that’s the best part of the whole trip,” senior Michelle Majeski said.
This experience brought the group closer together and friendships were made.
“I made so many new, close relationships with the group that went, it was a fantastic last DC trip,” senior Jackie Farrand said.
Whether it was the first or last, his trip became a life changing experience for many.

“[The trip was] a fantastic experience all around. This group of students were amazing, They watched out for each other, they were always on time, and they were a positive representation of our school and community.  Also, not spending 26 hours on a bus was WONDERFUL!!!” Gilly said.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spotlighter Invitational Recap

The Spotlighter Invitational took place on Saturday, February 22. It was a full day event consisting of 24 school show choirs performing in a competition.
  North Central Counterpoints won the Invitational, but the Spotlighters were more excited about the rooms they decorated on Community Night.
  Everyone from the Spotlighters and Madrigals got to choose a group to be in, the school they wanted to host, as well as their theme. The themed rooms that won were Camping, Castle, and Theater.
  The Camping room was decorated by Morganne Belton, Jackie Harris, Alivia Duerlinger, and Tara Davis. They decorated Mrs. Pearison’s room for Bishop Luers’ show choir, The Minstrels.
  The Castle room was decorated by Zach Hall, Joe Siefker, Craig McKinney, Brendan Rollin, and Shane Hart. They decorated Mr. Hurt’s room for North Central’s show choir, Counterpoints.
  The Theater room was decorated by Ellie Morgan, Sarah Novicki, Cat Deal, and Sam Vedder. They decorated Mr. Neese’s room for Roncalli’s show choir, Rebel Rhapsody.

Levi Jennings Qualifies for Diving State Finals

Senior Levi Jennings finished 4th at the Diving Regional and qualified for the State Finals. Levi is the first ever from MHS to qualify for state. Be sure to congratulate Levi on his excellent performance.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Accuplacer Apperhension: Juniors and Sophomores to Take the Accuplacer Test in March

 by Brett Hoffman
Starting this year, sophomores and juniors will be required to take an accuplacer test to assess their readiness for college.
  Most accuplacer tests are used by colleges to determine whether a student will get into a certain class. The accuplacer test take by MHS students however will give a diagnosis on how prepared a student is for college and ACTs/SATs.
   Juniors who have a PSAT score lower than 46 and sophomores with a score lower than 42 will be required to take the test. Also, students in either grade who have failed an ECA multiple times will be required to take the accuplacer.
   The accuplacer is now required by Indiana law to be issued to juniors and sophomores. The test will be taken between the last week of February and the first week of March.
  Juniors will test during their English classes and sophomores will test during their history classes. Each test is 40 questions long and is untimed.
  “We are excited for the data these tests will provide and how it will help us to meet the needs of our students,” Mr. Disney said.

Spotlighter Invitational

 by Jade Broer
The Spotlighter Invitational is back again.
  The Spotlighter Invitational has been around since 1993 and was started by director Elaine Moebius as well as the 1993 Spotlighters. It’s the day where Mooresville’s Spotlighters host their own competition.
   Each year the Spotlighters have their own competition for their invitation, to decorate the best room they can. they compete with Finesse and Madrigals for the best room. In total there are 24 rooms to decorate. Each room has a group of students assigned to it where they get to decide how to decorate it. at around 10:30 p.m. on Friday, Mr. Jason Damron will judge the rooms and pick the best two. Those winners will get taken out to dinner with Mr. Damron.
  “It’s really cool for our students to be a part of it [the Spotlighter Invitational]. It’s good for other schools to see how we do things and even community members to see what kind of event we can host. It makes a good impression on the community and other schools. It’s also a fundraiser that helps to cover costs for our competitions,” Choir Director Jason Damron said.
  “It’s a fairly large competition and its fun to cheer on other teams,” Spotlighters and Madrigals President Zach Hall said. With 24 choirs performing, it is a big competition.
  The Invitational lasts all day. Schools get here around 7 a.m. and begin performing around 8:15 a.m. The last performance is by the Spotlighters at 11:15 p.m. which leaves awards to start at 11:45 p.m.
  The people who do not want to stay at a competition all day to wait and see Mooresville’s choirs have a chance to just the MHS choirs the night before, Friday, February 21. This night is called Community Night.
  Community Night was created about five years ago. “It’s just an opportunity for people who want to see Mooresville together instead of at a competition. It’s a good chance for the community to see everything we do and it helps with the costs of the invitational,” Damron said.
It’s also in a different setting than usual. “It’s a big setting because we perform in the gym instead of the auditorium,” Spotlighters and Madrigals President Jackie Harris said.
   Community Night starts at 7 p.m. on Friday, February 21, with a five dollar admission.

   The Spotlighter invitational is an all day event with two sessions. Each session has a ten dollars or you can get an all day pass for fifteen dollars.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Vanishing Vending Machines: Are MHS's Vending Machines Here to Stay?

by Jade Broer and Michele Kidd
  Rumors have been going around lately that the vending machines are being taken out. They were completely bare without any snacks. But there was a reason as to why they were bare.
  The company that stocks the vending machines, Canteen, took over a new company and have been basically starting from scratch. The people who originally filled MHS’ vending machines have been replaced, making the normal routes delayed.
  So there is no need to worry about the vending machines disappearing, they’re here to stay. But they are only for use at lunch.
  “The vending machines are only supposed to be used at lunch time,” Mrs. Dawn Blake said.

Meet the New Superintendent

by Brett Hoffman
The MHS Pulse staff recently had the privilege to sit down and talk with Mooresville School Corporation’s new superintendent, Mr. David Marcotte.
Marcotte has been involved with multiple school systems throughout his career.
“I love being in education and I’m very passionate about it,” Marcotte said.
Marcotte started his career in the school system as the band director for Decatur Central. From there he obtained principal jobs at both Danville and Ben Davis schools.
Before coming to Mooreville, Marcotte was the Chief Personnel Officer for Wayne Township Schools.
“With Mooresville, there is a connected community,” Marcotte said. “There’s a nice town feeling and a strong community connection not found in Marion County, and I like that.”
When Marcotte saw the listing for a position as Superintendent at Mooresville, he was instantly interested.
“Mooresville was exactly what I was looking for,” Marcotte said.
Marcotte is very excited to get to know the community and get a feel for the schools in the Mooresville district.
“Mooresville is a great school system, and I’m excited to help make it even better,” Marcotte said.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Due to an incoming winter storm, MHS will be releasing at 12:30. According to WTHR, the Indianapolis area is expected to receive between one and three inches of ice and snow. Check out the adjusted schedule below and stay safe and warm.

4th period- 10:10-10:30
6th period- 10:35-10:56
7th period- 11:01-11:22
5th period A lunch 11:22-11:52
                 B lunch 11:52-12:22
                 Return to class 12:27-12:34