The first person to solve the crossword and write the answers on a sheet of paper and hand it in to Mrs. Clark (Room A113) will win a super special prize!
2. MHS broadcast advisor
4. Senior class president
6. MHS newspaper title
8. Mooresville home team
9. 2014 Olympics site
10. "E" in PEP
12. Equinox occurring around the beginning of spring
14. Mooresville Cinema
16. Cafeteria chicken caterer
18. February junior student of the month
19. First American to propose Daylight Savings Time
1. Local Cajun cuisine hotspot
2. 2014 movie about Kermit and his friends
3. State flag creator
5. Founder of Mooresville
7. Number of stars on Indiana state flag
11. New glass hallway
13. "L" in LIA
15. Mooresville Principal or Walt
17. MHS newspaper advisor
4. Senior class president
6. MHS newspaper title
8. Mooresville home team
9. 2014 Olympics site
10. "E" in PEP
12. Equinox occurring around the beginning of spring
14. Mooresville Cinema
16. Cafeteria chicken caterer
18. February junior student of the month
19. First American to propose Daylight Savings Time
1. Local Cajun cuisine hotspot
2. 2014 movie about Kermit and his friends
3. State flag creator
5. Founder of Mooresville
7. Number of stars on Indiana state flag
11. New glass hallway
13. "L" in LIA
15. Mooresville Principal or Walt
17. MHS newspaper advisor