Friday, February 26, 2016

by Ben Neal
Parrish is at his locker to get ready for his long and fun school day. Parrish looked forward to a productive day. “ I always look to succeed in school.” Parrish said.

Parrish(second to left) ,Seth Davis (Second to right), and Tanner Haston (far left) are all staring at Ryne Mills(far right). Ryne said a very disturbing opinion about politics. “I can’t believe he thinks Bernie Sanders would be good president.” Seth Davis said.
Parrish walks to his favorite part of the school, the cafeteria. Parrish packed a very nutritious lunch that includes apple sauce and a turkey sandwich. “ Apple sauce and turkey are major keys to my success.” Parrish 

Parrish walks to his favorite part of the school, the cafeteria. Parrish packed a very nutritious lunch that includes apple sauce and a turkey sandwich. “ Apple sauce and turkey are major keys to my success.” Parrish said.
Parrish eagerly walks to his car to leave school. He had a long and fulfilling school day. “Now I get to go home and relax and do some homework.” Parrish said.