Wednesday, February 24, 2016

By Rowan Miracle
Favorite Class
  The same song being played on the piano every morning, laughter about something Mr. Damron said the day before. This is the choir room environment, full of life and silky voices on the path of greatness.
  “My favorite class is choir because singing is one of my favorite things to do,” sophomore Hannah Gray said.
   This is Gray's first year of high school show choir in Finesse, the all female group.  Previously being in a concert choir she loves the change. “Finesse is like my second family,” Gray said.
  A day in choir class is thought of to be just singing, but much more goes on behind the scenes. “ Everyday in class we do vocal warmups, sight reading, and work on our most recent musical piece,” Gray said. Sight reading is where hands are used to read the sheet music in front of you. Usually, only concert choir is worked on in class and the actual show choir show is only at practice.
  “This class has taught me to sight read music and has helped my voice sound more mature,” Gray said.
  Without encouragement, there would be not will of improvement. With singing out each day and knowing that you made one of the group's, gratitude and happiness just overtakes like a wildfire.
  “Finesse is my favorite class because I love performing and being on stage,” sophomore Maddie Sussman said. Being a sophomore in choir can be rough at times, the upperclassmen usually take more of the leadership roles because they are older and have been in it before. In the end the friendship bonds made with them feel welcomed and appreciated in the class.
  “I strongly recommend it to those who love to sing and perform, but do not take the class if you just want an elective,” Sussman said.
  Don’t take this class just because an arts credit is needed. Choir is not just a study hall and goofing around will not be tolerated. But, wanting to try the class and take it seriously is on the agenda, try it. Take a chance, who knows maybe this will be a favorite hobby of yours.
  “This class has taught me confidence and helped with singing stronger, It has also gained me many friends who love to perform like I do,” Sussman said.
  The best part about most people's favorite class is the teacher. The teacher puts the most impact on the class, especially if it’s their passion too. “I don’t know, it feels good I guess,” Mr. Jason Damron said. Recognizing your teachers hard work can be rewarding to you, but mostly them. Think about when someone says oh good job on that! or if complimented self esteem sky rockets and hard work keeps being put out.
  “Well, I think that part of having fun means everyone working hard toward the same goal,” Mr. Damron said. Keeping the class interesting can be difficult sometimes for any teacher. But occasionally taking time to plan out and really take your students education process seriously can make quite the difference.
  “I have goals and ideas to start, but it all just depends on what the group can accomplish in that amount of time,” Mr. Damron said. Mr. Damron is a dedicated, hardworking teacher. Staying after school until 8 p.m. just to improve his own groups and watch them to succeed.
  The bell rings,but the class doesn’t stop. Everyone knows better than to do that. The song continues and no one shows a threat of wanting to leave. As it comes to the final chord a huge okay bye is loudly spoken by Mr. Damron.
Leaving choir is the hardest part, until it hits that practice starts in about one hour.