Monday, February 29, 2016

Everybody waits patiently for corey to go on. It was his first solo of his senior year.  “I was anxious for him, hoping he would do well,” sophomore Ryne Mills said .

by Tyler Petersen
Mr. Damron talks to Corey about his Solo. The talked about how he did. “ I thought it was big step because he’s always  been a little nervous of solos at competitions” Damron said.
Spaulding waits for Mr.Damron to start playing the piano. He sang “Remember when it rained’ by Josh Groban. “ I was wondering who was going to cry first,” senior Tyler Wallman said.

Spaulding belts out the highest note in the piece. It made everyone tear up. “ It brought tears to my eyes at the middle” sophomore Brian Fleener said.

Corey stands while the crowd applaudes. “ I thought I had a very confident and strong performance” Spaulding said.