Monday, May 16, 2016

Don’t Worry, Be Happy: 15 Steps to Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy This Summer by Peighton Noel

   Staying healthy over the summer is a hot topic. Everyone wants that “summer body”, but no one wants to put in the work to get it. Here are fifteen steps to get you feeling good about yourself this summer!

     1. Playing Sports
Photo courtesy of Wagon Trails Yearbook
Playing sports is a fun way to stay active, and meet new people. There are many different sports to choose from, so find one that appeals to you and give it your best.
“Sports are really healthy for the mind and body because most sports require an individual to be physically fit to be successful, as well as mentally tough to be able to overcome the pain of continuing and fighting through a hard game,” senior Diaundre Johnson said.

     2. Eating Healthy
Eating healthy is one of the main points of staying healthy, and in shape. Sometimes it’s hard to stay away from the junk food, but if you really push your willpower, you can do it.
“It’s important because it gives you your fullest potential physically and mentally,” sophomore Matthew Lowe said.

     3. Ride Your Bike
This may sound kind of silly and cliche, but riding your bike is great exercise. Grab a friend and ride down to your local park.
“Not only is bike riding a great cardiovascular workout, it is also a wonderful activity to clear your mind of daily stress,” freshman Jackson Crum said.

4.  Go to the Park
There are many fun things to do at the park. Grab a friend and play some basketball, soccer, and a variety of other things.
““Well obviously you can hike trails and bikes. Mentally, well I’m really into being outdoors and in nature, so I think if you go amongst nature it has a peaceful feel to it and it takes your stress away,” Ms. Sharon Eickhoff said.

     5. Workout
Working out is obviously a great way to cut the fat and stay in shape. Some people might believe that it’s hard and not very fun, but it’s a great way to feel good about yourself and have a sense of accomplishment.
“Oh my gosh if I didn’t work out I’d go crazy. It let’s off a lot of aggression,” Ms. Brandy Sawyer said.

     6.  Yoga
Doing yoga is a modern way to workout. It’s fun, improves flexibility, and gives you a relaxing mindset.
“Yoga causes me to relax. Whenever I am anxious, or need a break, yoga is able to calm me. Physically, yoga exercises your body mentally and physically. You can get a strenuous workout at all times of the year just doing basic yoga. Personally, yoga keeps my body healthy at all times,” freshman Grace Pollard said.

     7. Stay Happy and Positive
Staying happy and keeping a positive attitude is a great way to keep your mind in top shape. If you look at things negatively, things will work out negatively. Enjoy your summer and leave your worries at the school threshold.
“Smiling, laughing, lifting a friend up, looking at everything through the eyes of love and kindness. Making every situation positive can make you nothing less than joyous,”  sophomore Katie Biddle said.  
    Photo courtesy of Kimberly Biddle

8. Go Swimming
Staying cool in the warm summer sun is a big deal. Accomplish this by doing lots of swimming. Go to the pool, a lake, or take a trip to the beach.
“Well swimming works out all your muscles so practicing everyday with certain workouts given to us….Slowly gets us fit and the hard workouts given to us and how we react to them can shape our mental ability on on how we react to that certain workout,”  sophomore Julia LeBlanc said.
Photo by Peighton Noel

     9. Drink Lots of Water
Staying away from the soda can be really hard. Water is refreshing, and keeps you hydrated and healthy.
“It keeps you hydrated, and it’s a great substitute for sodas which helps you lose weight,” freshman Elizabeth Gillin said.
Photo by Peighton Noel

    10. Go to Concerts
Going to concerts, believe it or not, can be super healthy for the mind and the body. Dance around a little and burn some calories. Sing along and rock it out with your friends.
“Going to concerts gets you out of the house, it allows you to interact with friends and have fun!" sophomore Broghan Reynolds said.  
Photo by Rowan Miracle
    11. Spend So Much Time With Your Friends
Hanging out with your friends will always make you feel better. Hang out with new friends, current friends, or reach out to some old ones.
“Spending time with my friends during the summer keeps me mentally and physically healthy because my friends are very active and always keep me in a positive mood outside of school,” junior Morgan Crawford said.
(Left to right) Olivia Walton, Katie Collins, Jaimee Schuck, Michelle Bosaw, Abby Mann, Morgan Crawford, Logan Madden, Hannah Fulkerson, Jessie Bennet
Photo courtesy of Kari Mann


12. Quality time with your Family
Spending quality time with your family is super important. Every second with them is priceless.
“Spending quality time with your family can benefit you in many different ways. If you have a good relationship with your family you won’t get into much trouble because your going to have an adult that you can rely on and get their advice. They will guide you in the right direction making the right choice,” freshman Ashlyn Cook said.

    13. Volunteer
Volunteer somewhere to feel fulfilled, and inspired. Helping others is a healthy way to help yourself.
“I don’t do it for myself, I do it for others,” junior Matt Chappelow said.

    14.  Get a Job
Getting a job is the easiest way to make some extra cash. Buy a car, buy some clothes, buy your girl a nice bracelet. The possibilities are endless.
“I always watch what I eat because I work in fast food. In the summer it keeps your brain functioning,” junior Katelyn Mills said.

    15. Do Lots and Lots of Shopping
Shopping is so good for everything. It is the best type of therapy. Shop till you drop with the money earned in step fourteen.
“You can count up the prices so that keeps your mental math going. Holding up clothes and walking is tiring, and getting new clothes makes you feel good about yourself,” junior Jeanie Freer said.
Photo by Peighton Noel