Friday, May 13, 2016

Summer Jobs by Sarah Gray

The time of year has come where every high school student is trying to figure out how they are going to spend their summer. Although the idea of sleeping this break away is appealing, sophomore Maddie Sussman has something more productive in mind: a job.

During the summer, teenagers have options that range all over the job spectrum. The possibilities are seemingly endless. Whether you are mowing lawns or flipping burgers, each job is beneficial to the student working.
“I plan on getting a job at the Mooresville Family Aquatic Center. At first, I really did not want to look into working over the summer. I thought ‘I have my entire life to work!’, but I ultimately decided it would be a good learning experience and I could use the money for things next year,” Sussman said.
The cliche lawn mowing is almost a thing of the past, as more companies are opening their doors to younger employees. For example, more restaurants have younger waiters and hosts. Sophomore Rebekah Freund is a hostess at the Camby Bob Evans.
“I really enjoy working at Bob Evans and a lot of my paycheck go toward my college fund. My parents really encouraged me to get this job because there is a certain pride in earning and budgeting your own money. I’ve grown a lot from it,” Freund said.
Summer jobs can be used to pay college, next year school activities, and even give yourself a little spending money for the summer.
“All the money that I am not saving for Finesse is going straight to concerts. This summer I want to try and go to any and every concert that I can,” said Sussman.  
Summer Jobs benefits students in many ways. It is a great way to stay motivated and it gives them something to do during break. They also get tons of experience in the workplace and that will definitely come in handy in the long run.
“Summer jobs are a great way to stay focused during break. They taught me what hard work really was. I was under the impression that schoolwork was the hardest thing in the world. It motivated me to work harder in school so that when I graduated I would not have to break my back doing manual labor,” history teacher Zachary Weldon said.
Summer is just right around the corner, so if you are planning for a summer full of work experience start sending in applications now!