Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A World Away by Megan Copeland

It is a common knowledge that most people do not like change. Moving to a new home, and to a new school is often times extremely stressful. Imagine moving 8,760.1 miles away, to a brand new country, with nothing but a suitcase of home with them.

Wicharadee “NeNe” Chaiwattanasakul is a sixteen year old girl from Bangkok, Thailand. She came here through a foreign exchange program and will be living in Mooresville for ten months.
“I came on the twenty-first of August, and I leave the sixth of June this year,” NeNe said.
Even though she’s oceans away from her home, NeNe is still positive about being in the little town of Mooresville. From a city of 6.335 million, to a town with a staggering population of 9, 580, Mooresville’s tight knit community is rubbing off on her heart.
“Everyone is nice to me, and everyone talks to me; nobody is mean. I like how the school looks, it’s beautiful. The school colors are the same as my school in Thailand. I really like how the swim coaches teach me and how I’ve improved. I really liked the weather, too. I like my friends the most, though,” NeNe said.
There are many differences between Mooresville and Bangkok. For example, the school life. Saint Joseph Convent school, NeNe’s former school in Thailand, is an all girl school. Coming to Mooresville High School will be NeNe’s first time at a gender mixed school.
“I don’t have homecoming games in Thailand. I like how there are boys and girls in the same school,” NeNe said.
Rosemary Rogers, NeNe’s host mother, has loved the experience so far, almost as much as NeNe.
“It’s really cool. It’s like having a fourth child and I adore her,” Rogers said.
As for NeNe, she’s looking forward to experiencing an American Thanksgiving and Christmas, just like in the movies.