Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Best Buddies Upcoming events by Lacey Watt

Photo from a Best Buddies Valentine's Day party.
  With the first semester, comes new beginnings. New classes, new teachers, and an opportunity to gain new friends.

  While starting off, there are many clubs that Mooresville High School offers that may hold an interest, and knowing which ones to join best best off one's personality can be helpful. So for the one with kind souls, like to see a smile on everyone’s face, and are wanting to make lasting friendships, look into the Club Best Buddies.
  Best Buddies is a non profit organization that brings together someone with an intellectual or developmental disability with someone who does not to match them in a one to one friendship.
  “It’s a great opportunity to meet new people that others normally would avoid while understanding the importance of inclusion,” president of the club and junior Madison Peterman said.
  Best Buddies held a call out meeting/Halloween party to start off the group's’ work thing year strong. This is where everyone got together and were assigned a buddy, which mean that someone with a disability and some without were partnered together to start and kindle their friendship. This group of people spread the importance about being involved with everyone that surrounds, and the more people who work together, the less people will have to endure stress, and pain. That everyone needs to be treated with respect, and that words, like the “R” word, are very hurtful.
“Best Buddies makes me happy by allowing me to make new friends and do fun things with them,” officer of Best Buddies and junior Mariah Johnson said.
  Upcoming on Nov. 16, Best Buddies is hosting an early Thanksgiving dinner, where all the buddies get together, bring friends and family, and share and experience what they are most thankful for. It is an open event located at Mt. Gillard's worship house located next to Mooresville’s transportation center, also known as the bus garage. The event starts at 6 p.m. and last for two hours.
  The Thanksgiving dinner is just one of the many gatherings Best Buddies hosts though. Throughout the school year, Best Buddies manages to host multiple events that raise money for the organization and they also many to help put smiles on everyone's face.
“It really gives great opportunities to make a new friend for anyone, and it can create some of the best memories. It’s helped me grow into a better person,” officer of Best Buddies and junior Kaitlyn Trosper said.
  If one is interested in joining the fun with Best Buddies, it is never too late. All one would have to do is contact the president of the club, Madison Peterman.