Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nexus Takes Stage By Jenna Briere

Nexus is the newest addition the the choir department at Mooresville High School. The 2016 Wagon Trails was their first performance. This also means that it was their first year in the show. Read on to see some snippets of the new group!

Ashley Tabscott brushed her makeup on as she was getting ready for Wagon Trails. The nerves of the upcoming performance were setting in. “My favorite part of being in Nexus is the diversity of ages that our group has. Overall it’s a fun and welcoming family,” sophomore Ashley Tabscott said.  

Photo by Phil Wright

Freshman Charis Eicher stood ready to sing her solo. She always performs to the best of her ability and the 2016 Wagon Trails was no exception. “It was great, and I’ve always wanted to be in it,” Eicher said.

Photo by Lauren Clevenger
Nexus smiled as the spotlight revealed them to the audience. They stand confidently as they wait for their first performance. “Performing is so much fun,” sophomore Zach Shaffer said.

Photo by Phil Wright

The boys of Nexus swung back as they danced. They smile as their show closes. “The suits are really nice this year,” sophomore Jalen Schuck said.