Thursday, November 8, 2018

Tips For Applying To College by Josh Hansel

  Let's face it, when junior and senior year roll around everyone thinks the same things, Almost done here, and what college to choose.
  Here is how to apply for a college in a few steps. First take the SAT/ACT. Then apply to as many colleges as possible.
  For juniors, thinking about how junior year affects senior year is a major step. A bad choice going into senior year is choosing classes that are more difficult than one can handle.
  Junior year and senior year have both hard and exciting choices. If a more academic view is taken there is all the AP classes, but also we have more choices such as Work based learning. In which a student can go and explore the working world, it all depends on the classes taken by the student, such as junior Franklin Zook taking some more academically inclined classes.
  “They’re easy, but I’m excited for [senior year]”  Zook said.
  First things first, although many schools, such as Ball State and New York University, do not requiring the SAT or ACT for applicants, it is still a great idea to take at least one of the tests. According to the cost of the SAT cost $47.50 without an essay, with an essay it is $64.50. The ACT cost $50.50 without an essay, while with an essay it is $67.
  For those who don’t have the funds to take the test, they may get a price waiver from their counselor. They can just go to guidance, and fill it out to see their counselor. Next the student can explain they do not have the funds for the test, and would like a wavier if available. Then if they get a waiver they can type in a code given to them, at the end of signing up for the SAT/ACT online.
  “They’re really important, I recommend taking both,” senior Helen Pilkington said.
  If decided to apply first that's just fine, most of the time colleges will either have a save feature, or don’t require the scores to be sent in with the application. Then if the college of their choice requires scores from one of the test they can always, send the scores after they have taken either test. Most college applications take around five to 10 minutes to complete.
  Once applied to a college, hopefully one can feel comfortable going to, try applying to some other colleges in case they don’t get into the college they chose. This gives them a backup plan so that they can build credentials to get a good job in the future. It is always a great idea to apply to a lot of colleges, giving themself a little breathing room.
  If feeling unsure about a college, plan a college visit. A possibility is speaking to Bischoff in student services, where she has forms with more information. Then set it up with the college, most likely on their website, and give the paperwork back to Bischoff two days before the visit at the least.
  “If they don’t know a college they can still job shadow, and it won’t go against their attendance,” Mrs. Becky Bischoff said.

  Overall applying for college isn’t that hard of a job to do. Just put in a little effort in school, apply, and work toward a successful life. The future can be shaped, if it is worked towards.