Monday, January 27, 2020

2020-2021 Scheduling by Abbigail Price

Scheduling by Abbigail Price

Scheduling is upon us 
Scheduling is coming up soon for eight graders, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. During the
week of the 13th, guidance counselors will be going around the school letting kids know about
what courses are available. 
The school will be offering classes that will be taken at Ivy Tech Mooresville. Solar System
Astronomy as well as Stellar and Galactic Astronomy will be offered at Ivy Tech. These classes
will be offered at Ivy Tech Mooresville during first period, and students will have to find their
own transportation to Ivy Tech and back to Mooresville for second through seventh period. 
They are also offering Ivy Tech classes via distance learning. This means that the classes that
are offered will be taught at MHS but it will be taught over a screen. 
“We are now offering statistics and calculus II via distance learning,” Mrs. Sarah Iams said. 
Graduation pathways are now offered to students who didn’t pass ISTEP, or to freshmen who
don’t have to take the ISTEP. They have different pathways that students could go into. 
“I would encourage students to start on page eight of the curriculum guide to help them
understand,” Iams said.
Teaching, medical field, and computer science are some of the pathways students can go into.
To qualify for graduation pathways students must meet three criteria. They must have their
credits, learn and demonstrate employability skills, and postsecondary-ready competencies. 

  They will hand out a form to students that their parents must sign. Students will create their schedule on Skyward. The paper and online schedule will be due on January 23rd, but students will be able to change their schedule when they want.