Monday, April 27, 2020

Mooresville Alumni: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due by Noah Justus

Mooresville Alumni: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due
                                                                              by Noah Justus

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Peering at the Pandemic by Arionna Moore

  With the coronavirus growing on the media and spreading locally, panic has grown among citizens. This panic is causing people to quarantine themselves, or worry about what will happen if they were to have to quarantine themselves. Just in case people have to quarantine, they are preparing by buying supplies, and the stores are in chaos. People are buying canned foods, disinfecting wipes, and toilet paper. Stores are now having a hard time keeping all of these items in stock. The stores are quickly running out of supplies and can make some pretty ridiculous sights. Upload your craziest pictures from the store to our Google Form link below.

Below is a blog that I created on March 17

Thursday, April 16, 2020

She’s Finally Home by Abbigail Price

MHS alumnus Katie Price was studying abroad in the Arabian country of Jordan. Sending my sister
to Jordan was heartbreaking for my family. We drove up to Chicago and sent her off. She’s kept in
touch with us, but it has been difficult because of the seven hour time difference. 
Many of her friends over there were coming home because of COVID-19, but she had decided to
stay. The CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) had decided to send all of their
students home. 
I was not happy about her coming home because it meant she had to give up something that made
her so happy. It was difficult to get here home because we did not have the money for a flight. So,
the CIEE paid for her to fly to the United States. She was flown into New York at JFK airport. 
She had a delay in London and this was right before the travel band. Her flight into JFK got in at
8 p.m. but the next flight from JFK to Indianapolis was not until the next morning. 
My mom did not want to leave her alone all night, so she flew out to New York to meet her. My dad
took the 17th off from work and we drove to meet my sister and mom. Their flight came into
Indianapolis at noon. She came home right away with us. 
The quarantine screening was not that bad for her, and they even said that a self-quarantine was not
necessary. We spent the entire night when she got home watching The Voice since it was her favorite
show.. She is not doing too bad being home, but she misses her life back in Jordan. 
Since she had to quit her job before leaving for Jordan, she was out of work when she got home. My
dad was low on employees because of the epidemic, so he hired Katie to work for him. 
So far, her classes have not been doing too well. She’s behind and cannot seem to find time in the
day to do everything that is expected of her. Jordan’s week starts on Sunday rather than Monday.
When my parents and I are relaxing, Katie is working on school. She’s kept her grades up. It is not
the ideal situation, but she is dealing with it the best she can. 
My family and I are happy to have her back safe and sound. In the beginning of all of this, it was
tough having her in a different country. She was so far away and the time differences were not easy
on us. I have learned not to take talking to my sister for granted. I would go days without talking to
her, but now I can just shout and she will answer. I love my sister and am happy to be able to hug her.
She’s an amazing sister, and I could not ask for a better one. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Seniors Missing Out by Noah Justus

Missing Out
Senior’s Thoughts and Feelings on Current School Cancellations

by Noah Justus

Things To Do During Quarantine by Kimmy Turley

This is one of the hardest time periods and events that Americans have faced; however, there are
many things that people are able to do in order to keep themselves occupied while being quarantined
at home. 

  1. Watch Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, etc. 
This seems like one of the more obvious things that people can do, but it is one of the easiest.
All people have to do is sit back, relax, and watch a new tv series or binge watch movies. 

  1. Try new recipes 
Obviously people are trying to avoid the grocery store unless they absolutely need to go, but
there are very simple recipes that someone can make with a few ingredients lying around
their house. One of those recipes being pasta. Pasta only requires anywhere from four to five
ingredients depending on the recipe, but the main four are eggs, flour, salt, and olive oil. 

  1. Go on walks or runs 
Many people are trying to avoid going out of their houses; however, nature is a major stress
reliever for most, and getting some fresh air after being cooped up in the house for a long time
is exactly what some people need. 

  1. Play board games or card games 
Most people have board games lying around the house, so those are always a good alternative instead of watching TV. Even if someone just has a deck of cards, there are hundreds of
different games that can be played. 

  1. Find a new podcast 

Podcasts are a great way to connect with people simply by gaining life advice, education,
or hearing about someone else's stories.