Monday, August 29, 2022

Student Council Story - Olivia Denny

                 Student Council Story

        Student council has a huge impact on Mooresville and the community in general. Student council is led by students but organized by Tamara Mills. “We are considered a student governed organization… We give students a voice which includes activities and policies that might be put into place…. We run events like homecoming and blood drives, canned food drives and prom. The junior class officers help with prom. Bumping up school spirit and bringing things back to normal, after the pandemic is our main goal,” Mills said. Student council's main purpose is to bring the community together and give the students a feeling of individualized power. The club meets in Mrs. Mills' classroom.

Photo by Olivia Denny

Spell Bowl Story - Gracie Holcomb

                             Spell Bowl Story 

Mr. Marine is the main coach for the Mooresville spell bowl time, he has been doing it for many years. “It’s been quite a while,” Marine said. Surprisingly though, he isn't the only coach of the spell Bowl team, Mrs. Goddard oversees all of the academic teams.

Mr. Marine said that the goal for this year's spell bowl team is to gather 10 students together with a common goal to compete. There are 7 people on the team so far! Spell bowl has already started. The meetings are on Wednesdays after school. It hasn't been determined where their first competition will be yet, although it has been determined that their invitational will build up to the Area competition that will be on November 1st. If the spell bowl team wins their competitions, they will go onto state! Anyone that is good at spelling or memorizing should tryout, because there are ten pages with four columns that will need to be learned. In conclusion, shoot a shot at being on the Mooresville Spell bowl team!

Story Illustration by Gracie Holcomb

Monday, August 22, 2022

Girl’s Wrestling Team - Kayden Fisher and Gracie Holcomb

                  Girl's Wrestling Team

As of now, Mooresville High School has created a Girl’s Wrestling Team. Mr. Mikesell, the head coach, spoke about some key information about the team. Although Mikesell is the head coach, there are actually three coaches; Andrew Medelsky is the associate head coach and Randy Qualitza is the assistant coach. 

    “We’re really excited to get it started,” Mikesell said.

    He wanted to get ahead of the game so that they could be prepared when they start competing. Coach Mikesell said that the school administration was actually the ones to start the team. They wanted to get it up and running before the sport got sanctioned. Mikesell also noted that they will be competing with other schools and that he’s actually working with another coach currently to get some matches set up. The schedule for the actual wrestling meets has not been set up yet.

“We’ll be beginners just like everyone else.” Mikesell said. He also added that they have some experienced and inexperienced players.

Coach Mikesell already has some ladies that are stepping up to wrestle. “So far 22, and that does not include any other fall athlete.” Mikesell said.

Their preseason conditioning also starts August 30, the new wrestling room is located in the new Pioneer Pavilion. The official start of the season will be sometime in November of 2022 and end in February 2023. The Girls Wrestling team will also be holding a tournament over winter on December 29, 2022. 


Photos by Kayden Fisher

From what has been learned so far from Coach Mikesell it seems that the Girl’s Wrestling Team is going to have a strong start to their season with some good matches and tournaments set up for the girls to show what they’ve got. History is being made in Mooresville, come out to show support for your Girl’s Wrestling Team in their first season!

Best Buddies Story - Suzanna Paul

                      Best Buddies Club

Best Buddies is a club that was made to help with inclusion and unity throughout the school. This club specifically deals with matching students with disabilities and their peers. The sponsor of the club is Mrs. Bell, but she also helps during the day to teach special education classes and she works hand and hand with her students. She believes that the social connections with each other are incredibly important. 

“Best Buddies basically matches together people of all abilities so that they can begin to have social connections with each other that will lead to other opportunities and also lifelong friendships.” Bell said.


Photo by Suzanna Paul
Photo by Suzanna Paul

Photo by Suzanna Paul
Photo by Suzanna Paul

JSA Club-Olivia Denny

                                 JSA Club

    JSA is a student-run club sponsored by Miss Victoria Martinez. In JSA, students learn how to have debates in a polite, respectful and mature manner. This club helps students build communication skills with one another. Students in JSA discuss many things, including learning how to have civil debates. 

    “Typically, during meetings, we talk about different issues in current events and political issues in our society. The students teach how to have debates in a civil manner. The debates range from hot dogs being a sandwich to dress code debates,” Martinez said. JSA develops critical thinking skills along with team building. It socializes students and gets them out of their comfort zone.

Photo by Olivia Denny
Photo by Olivia Denny

Photo by Olivia Denny
Photo by Olivia Denny