Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Allergies Rise by Suzanna Paul

                                                         Allergies Rise

Allergies are on the rise and Kleenexes are all around. Each and every person has different reactions to the temperature change, some people tend to sneeze more while others get teary eyes.

Mooresville’s school nurse is Missy Wymer, she said she has a few different options for students if they are having bad allergies that day.

“Over the counter Zyrtec or Clariton is a great way to treat environmental allergies,” Wymer said.

Sophomore Colson Wingate sees an allergist regularly. He meets with her once a month for his shots and these help heavily with maintaining his health. He says that if someone were to forget to get the shots from that one month period, it will cycle back to having to get the shots every week.

“The allergist gives me 3 shots in my left arm and then I have to wait 30 minutes to test the shots to see my reactions,” Wingate said.

Junior Tyler Hammons also chooses to take the medicine route for his allergies. He says that many of his symptoms are sneezing, runny noses and his eyeballs tend to get itchy. He has a few different options to combat this.

“I take four medicines, they help me not sneeze and relieve the allergies momentarily,” Hammons said.

There are other options if someone wants to go a non medicine route, Wymer advises that when someone gets home, take their clothes off from that day and wash the clothes immediately. If windows are open, make sure to shut them and work on cleaning the dust from all.

Photo Submitted by Artie